Gender, Mass Violence & Genocide
The 2015-16 colloquium and library guide focused on how gender structures and mediates experiences of mass violence and genocide as well as how attention to gender can help to predict, prevent, and reconcile mass violence and genocide. Click here to watch the events.
Spanning the 2015-16 academic year, the KHC-NEH colloquium, Gender, Mass Violence and Genocide, consisted of eight events that were tightly linked to a newly established field of research in genocide scholarship: gender-sensitive studies of mass violence and genocide. The eight events that constituted the series had two foci: 1) how gender structures and mediates experiences of mass violence and genocide; and 2) how attention to gender can aid efforts to predict, prevent, and reconcile experiences and events of mass violence and genocide.
The colloquium was organized by the 2015-16 KHC-NEH Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Amy Traver, Professor of Social Sciences at Queensborough Community College-CUNY.