Exhibit Videos

Life in Le Chambon

Nelly Trocmé Hewett, daughter of Pastor André Trocmé, describes life in Le Chambon as well as her father’s pacifist principles that guided the people of the Plateau to rescue thousands of refugees.

Hiding and Rescue

Renée Kann Silver and Hanne Liebmann recount their experiences as children sheltered in Le Chambon. Scholar Mordecai Paldiel, Ph.D. describes the hiding and rescue operations undertaken in the region by various aid organizations, coordinated in part by Pastor André Trocmé.

Refugees Before the War

This video tells the story of the Jewish refugees’ deportation from Western Germany to Southern France by the Germans. At the end of a long train ride, these survivors found themselves in the Gurs Concentration Camp in the ‘”Free Zone” of Vichy, France.

Lessons and Legacies

Survivors describe the spirit of the people of Le Chambon and the legacy of their unprecedented collective rescue efforts. The community as a whole was recognized  in 1988 by Yad Vashem’s Department of the Righteous with a special Diplôme d’Honneur.